Friday, July 29, 2011

Now back to the Motorcycle!

Recently I wrote about me wanting a motorcycle and how people that love me are concerned for my safety. Well, the class is tonight and I have not changed my mind about taking it. Call me bullheaded or whatever, but I think it is necessary to do this. Maybe I'll go out and have an accident. Maybe I'll hit someone and get sued for everything I have and don't have. Maybe I'll hurt myself badly and have to rely on others the rest of my life. This is Hoppy's perspective on this, all the things mentioned above can happen doing anything. So why not just have some fun anyway! Maybe this could be the start of something big! I'M A GROWN MAN AND MAKE MY OWN DECISIONS. I RULE MY CASTLE, AND I'M GONNA LEARN HOW TO RIDE!

But first, I have to ask my wife. I hope she doesn't get mad!

Tuesday, July 26, 2011

A Conversation I had the other day!

Hey Hop, everything is ok with me how about you, good, I was wondering if I could ask you something, If I went west am I technically walking that way or the other, my uncle has a cat that’s not well and he is concerned about it, my aunt has a dog that’s sick too, I hope he gets better, my wife is sick too but she only has a cold, we are thinking about buying a new house in another city but I like it here and she doesn’t , I love my wife and kids, but sometimes I want to leave and start another family, but I know that would be wrong, my mother has twelve toes and three arms and wants to join the “I think I’m different club”, I think I’m going to paint my house this weekend, do you believe in aliens or Martian’s, I do, I think they look funny when they turn green, my car is starting to smoke, but I don’t see any fire yet, I think I should get it fixed in the morning before I go to work, please someone stop me from talking, but anyway, you should join me and my wife for dinner, you would like her, she is black, not to say that anything is wrong with black, but white is right, not trying to offend you, but I’m just saying, I think I have a bump on my right testicle, it felt funny this morning when I got up, but my breast felt ok though, please, please, someone stop me from talking so I can go home, but anyway, who do you like to win the super bowl this year, I don’t watch sports, but it sounded like a good question to ask since everyone says you like sports, is it raining outside, that a stupid question since I just came from out there, what time is it……………………………
You have to be patient Hoppy, at some point he’s going to pass out from a lack of oxygen.  My head hurts!!

Saturday, July 23, 2011

Seriously, can I have some cookies?

I get home, walk into the kitchen and notice a bag with KY Jelly in it:
Me: “Can I have some cookies?”
Her: “No, I’m saving them for later.”
Me:  “You always say that.”
Her: “I know, but they are mine and I can do whatever I want with them.”
Me: “Right, but because you almost never give them to me, they will just sit and get stale. That’s why I ask.”
Her: Frustrated. “You ask because you’re greedy. Listen, they’re mine and don’t ask me for them again, or I’ll get mad.”
Me: “What difference does it make if you get mad or not, you still won’t give them to me?”
Her: “HOPPY, this is getting old, take the cookies!”
Me:  “Seriously, just take’em!?”
She turns around and hands me two peanut butter cookies that have been sitting on the stove. MAN, a brother can’t win! I guess this would have ended better for me if we both were on the same page. The morale of the joke is: communication is key in any relationship; there is no peace in the home without it.
I wish Hoppy learned that before 40!

Thursday, July 21, 2011

Hey Hop!

15 year old son: Dad, can I have a Facebook account?

Me: Why?

15 year old son: Because my friends have one.

Me: Not good enough. Why?

15 year old son: My cousins have one and I want to keep up with them.

Me: Not good enough. Look, your mother and I try our best to protect you from all sorts of dangers. The Internet is not a joke and should be taken as a serious tool. Facebook is great, I have an account, but I don't think your ready for the responsibility that comes with it. Now, here are the keys to the car, go down the street and get me a six pack of beer and a pack of cigarettes!

Was I wrong for that?

Tuesday, July 19, 2011

Quick Post!

It seems these summer storms have gotten worse. We had one up here yesterday and this morning I'm being told there are a lot of uprooted trees and debris everywhere. I am a transplant here from the south. Storms in the south can be monsters as we all have seen recently, and what we got was mild in comparison. But large uprooted trees from a 65 mph wind storm! I think the weather IS getting worse up here.

WAIT! I just posted something concerning the weather. Is this a part of life after 40? LOL

Monday, July 18, 2011

Quick Post!

Last night while watching the news with the wife a story appeared concerning a off duty policeman having a motorcycle accident and dying shortly after. It was quickly pointed out to me that another person had died due to injuries from a motorcycle.

I quickly stated that the news does not always report the circumstances and maybe something else could have caused the persons death. VERY VERY quiet after that. Good night.

This morning while browsing the Internet, I run across the real story. The person was not wearing a helmet! We have a helmet law in Michigan and the officer was breaking the law by not wearing his. A choice is a choice, good or bad and he made his. I plan to wear safety gear, and that's my choice. My other choice will be not to mention the additional info I found to the wife, because I choose to have peace in my home! LOL

Sunday, July 17, 2011

I want a motorcycle at 40

People will call this idea part of a "midlife crisis". Not so! I just feel like since I have "deprived" myself for years that maybe it's time to go for it. Most people around me are concerned for my safety, which is OK, but I still would like one. In fact, I've wanted a motorcycle since I was a kid. 
 Thinking about it, we all feel that we missed out on something by a certain age. For me, this new obsession is one of many. I'm registered for a class that begins in a couple of weeks. A few people around me own bikes so I ask them a lot of questions. Most don't mind me annoying them. I FEEL IT'S TIME!

The deciding factor will be how well I do in the class. Just wanted to through my motorcycle thought out there before bed, I'll keep ya posted.

image via Suzuki

Thursday, July 14, 2011

I'm 40, now what?

The day I turned 40 was supposed to be the "beginning of life" I was told. What a crock! I still feel the same as I did the day before. Don't get me wrong, my body tells me I'm not 20 anymore when I decide not to take the elevator but the stairs. As a man it's a ego burner, but I can suck it up and find more ego! What I did find at turning 40 was a reflection of all the bad decisions I made as a youth. And I have to say, I made my share.

Does someone turn on a switch at 40 to show you every glaring mistake made by you? I think so. After being 40 for a year, it has been the most reflective. My head hurts from so much thinking. It's like the "bad" past is haunting me. I know I shouldn't have drank that 5th of liquor after midnight knowing my work shift started at 5am, but hey, friends showed up. I paid for that one, I mean a lot! Or things like blowing my entire paycheck instead of putting it back for rainy days, still feeling this one.

There are so many examples of what I should have done and didn't, I could go on for days. My wife could probably tell you about each one! Well, it's time for me to turn the switch off, get a grip, move forward and do what I should have earlier in my life. And I'm going to blog about it.

I'll update this every couple of days sharing what I'm doing, want to do, and hope to do. I'm new to this so for all of you who want to ride, please be patient. Peace!