Wednesday, July 20, 2011

And the "Hey You!" Award goes to, "All the drivers that gave me the blues last night!"

Driving home last night was like being in a car race. First off, I drive over 41 miles to work each way. Which basically means anything can happen, so I try to be careful. Most nights I get a couple of people making bonehead moves. Not last night though, one word, Special!

First, after pulling on to the main road, this asshole person starts tailgating me. No cars on either side, but instead of going around, he wants to tailgate, I could actually see his teeth, for real! For that, here's a, "Hey You!".

Next, same stretch of road, after getting rid of the "Crest" guy, I get behind this car who's driving slow, can't go around, traffic won't allow it, so I'm stuck. Finally after a whole mile, I pull along side of the car and it looks like a teen texting. We have a year old law on no texting while driving. Nothing like seeing a young person in the early stages of a life of crime! For that, here's a, "Hey You!".

Believe it or not, same stretch of road, I'm coming to a light in the right lane, I notice a car in the right turning lane, light still green, I'm good. Right? Wrong! As I get close to going through, the person driving the other car decides they don't won't to turn, so the car cuts in front of me, I slam my ABS brakes, yeah good luck with those, and miss hitting the car by inches. The person then hits the brakes and comes to a slow crawl before turning into the gas station. Damn! For that, here's a, "Hey You!".

SAME STRETCH OF ROAD! Loose that car, I think I'm good. Nope! Another car in front of me decides to cross from the far right side to the far left turning lane. No signals, no warning in heavy traffic. SOOO smart. This causes the other people to brake, swerve, stop, and curse. By the way, the swerving ones, almost hit me! For that, here's a, "Hey You!".

I need food, a drink, a bath, and to get the hell outta here.

Finally, hitting the highway, no problems. Just me and my lead foot. Then I realize, I'm tailgating too! Do I get a, "Hey You!"?

image via

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