Thursday, August 11, 2011

My Girlfriend says Hi!

It's been about a week since I posted here. The last seven days have been sort of a challenge for me. I have had to deal with crazy drivers, crazy people at work, and a crazy life. Everything appears as though it's speeding up and I'm having to play catchup, but anyway. I want to blog about an incident at work. I was really jacked about it. Let's be honest here, if I blog anything about work and someone sees it, I'm toast. So unless one of you nice people out there are going to support me and the fam, I guess I'll skip that subject and discuss an event that may seem small to some but not me.

 I came home the other night and my son tells me out of the blue, "my girlfriend says hi". Man. Thanks kid! Dad didn't know you had one of those. Shall I plan a wedding? Get the rocking chair ready for the porch? Maybe I'm jumping the stick a little bit here, but him saying that made me feel old. Didn't I just buy you a Happy Meal and we fought over the toy? Didn't you just ask me to keep the bathroom light on because you were afraid of the dark? How about you wanting to hold my hand because you didn't know what was around the corner, IN THE KITCHEN! Instead, "my girlfriend says hi?".

Who is this heifer that stole my kid and trying to send him home as a man? MESSAGE TO UNKNOWN HEIFER: FEED HIM, GIVE HIM MONEY! MAKE HIM DO HIS HOMEWORK! LISTEN TO HIS CRAZY JOKES! MAKE HIM CLEAN UP HIS ROOM, NOTHING UNDER THE BED! THEN YOU CAN SAY HI! Until then, we'd love to have you over for dinner.

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